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Artist Spotlight: Jon McNaughton, Painter of Presidents

By Mieka Strawhorn | Politics | April 28, 2018 |

By Mieka Strawhorn | Politics | April 28, 2018 |


Utah artist Jon McNaughton gained moderate attention during the Obama administration for his strident, anti-Obama paintings. One painting called “The The Forgotten Man,” depicts Obama standing on the constitution while ignoring a blond “Sad Keanu” (sans sandwich, so even sadder) who sits dejectedly on a park bench as all the other presidents are all “WTF, dude!” Sean Hannity bought that one as a gift for the incoming Donald Trump to hang in the oval office.

Donald Trump himself is the subject of Jon’s latest masterwork which he revealed this week on Twitter. Kehinde Wiley, have a seat. You’re no longer needed. Here’s Jon’s soul stirring work, “Teach a Man a Fish.”

Nothing but respect for MY painter of presidents!

Given that art is subjective, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and one man’s trash is another man’s treasure, this highly original masterwork wasn’t to everybody’s liking. Sadly, the philistines of twitter felt a need to chime in with cynical criticism and ridicule.

As if mocking the painting’s subject matter and the artist’s rendering of Donald Trump wasn’t enough, some also mocked Jon for his typing skills and/or grammatical failings.

Here’s Jon discussing this important work with the help of some equally important stock photos.

Prints of “Teach a Man a/to Fish” can be purchased from the artist directly.