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Cassidy Hutchinson Delivers New, Incredibly Damning Jan. 6th Testimony

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 28, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | June 28, 2022 |


I genuinely do not know if anything will come of the House’s January 6th Hearings besides Liz Cheney being primaried in Wyoming. I will say that the hearings appear to have obviously inflicted damage on Donald Trump enough that Fox News is apparently pivoting away from the former President and looking toward a Trump-free 2024. (The bad news is, they are pivoting toward Ron DeSantis).

I do not know whether Donald Trump will ultimately land in prison. The decision to prosecute will be left up to Merrick Garland, but based on the testimony given so far, he clearly has a strong case.

To wit: In a surprise hearing today, Cassidy Hutchinson — an aide to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows — gave damning testimony about the days leading up to January 6th, as well as the day of. For instance, Rudy Giuliani told her on January 2nd that they would be “going to the Capitol,” and her own boss said on that day that things might get “real bad” on January 6th.

The people screened for Trump’s rally on that day had weapons — knives, brass knuckles, pepper spray, spears, and gas masks — and not only did her boss Mark Meadows know that and not care, but Trump knew it, too. Trump was told they had weapons and he basically said, “let ‘em through.”

“I was in the vicinity of a conversation where I overheard the President say something to the effect of, ‘You know, I don’t f’ing care that they have weapons,” Cassidy said. “They’re not here to hurt me. Take the f’ing [metal detectors] away. Let my people in.’ … . They can march to the Capitol after the rally is over. They can march from— they can march from the Ellipse. Take the f’ing [metal detectors] away. Then they can march to the Capitol.’”

He knew. He didn’t care. He not only did nothing about it but he also helped aid them by asking to remove the metal detectors. He wanted the rioters to breach the Capitol. Moreover, he wanted to join them.

Meanwhile, after Bill Barr gave an interview with the AP saying that there was no evidence to overturn the election, Trump lost his damn mind and threw his lunch at the wall.

And if you are wondering if this testimony has mattered, here’s Fox News again likely using the testimony as a precursor for switching allegiances.