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America's Racist Uncles Are Out in Full Force This Week

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 23, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | September 23, 2016 |

It used to be that we’d only have to encounter our drunk, racist uncle once a year at Thanksgiving, where we’d tolerate him to keep the peace for an hour before sneaking away to watch Netflix on our phones. Thanks to the rise of Donald Trump, however, those drunk uncles are now invading our television and Facebook feeds. And inexplicably, they’re in positions of power.

America’s most popular racist uncle, Donald Trump, showed up earlier this week at a rally with Don King, where he grinned like a jackass when King dropped the N-word. Meanwhile, racist uncle behind Donald Trump practically slapped a knee (the one black guy in the frame, meanwhile, hid behind his hands).

Two days ago, we got a drunk aunt in the form of Kathy Miller, the Republican chair of an Ohio county who resigned after all the racist drivel that dribbled out of her yapper.

“If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you,” she said.

“You’ve had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn’t have. You had all the advantages and didn’t take advantage of it. It’s not our fault, certainly.”

“I don’t think there was any racism until Obama got elected. We never had problems like this … Now, with the people with the guns, and shooting up neighborhoods, and not being responsible citizens, that’s a big change, and I think that’s the philosophy that Obama has perpetuated on America.”

In addition to the Affordable Care Act, 4.9 percent unemployment, gay marriage, saving the American auto industry and taking down Bin Laden, I guess President Obama can add “started racism” to his legacy. Thanks, Obama.

Finally, here’s North Carolina Congressman Robert Pittenger, who argued yesterday that African Americans “hate white people because white people are successful.”

Our racist uncles don’t even bother claiming they have a black friend anymore, do they? There’s no pretense at all. They’re not just racist, they’re owning it.

But guys, they’re really tired of talking about it. Just ask Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, who told a Colorado church this week that “Donald Trump and I believe that there’s been far too much talk of institutional bias or racism within law enforcement. We ought to set aside this talk, this talk about institutional racism and institutional bias.”

Good idea, Mike! If we ignore it, it will just go away, just like Kathy Miller ignored it for her entire life, until President Obama was elected.