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A Chilling Warning from a GOP War Hawk on the Dangers of a Trump Presidency

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 4, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | August 4, 2016 |

John Noonan is a super conservative guy. He was Jeb Bush’s national security policy director, and he was Mitt Romney’s foreign policy advisor and speechwriter in 2012. He knows nuclear weapons. Liberals don’t like this guy. He’s part of the “more hawkish extreme” of the Republican Party. He’s has a lot of experience and knowledge about nuclear weapons, and he was opposed to nuclear disarmament.

He’s a pro-military, pro-war, pro-nukes guy, is what I’m saying, and that makes his tweet storm about Donald Trump all the more chilling.

I’m not a fan of John Noonan. I don’t believe in the hawkish policies of John Noonan. He’s too right wing.

The fact that he’s scared of Trump? That is terrifying.