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'Physical' And 'Kevin Can F**k Himself' Premiere, 'Lupin' And 'Loki' Steal Our Attention, And More On Podjiba!

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | June 23, 2021 |

By Dan Hamamura | Podcasts | June 23, 2021 |


How far would you go to avoid conflict?

Would you stay subscribed to, say, a wine service you no longer want? Would you pay for a subscription service that helps you unsubscribe from services (which, in turn, you will obviously have difficulty getting rid of when you no longer need them)?

Whether you think being broken up with by text is perfectly fine, or have had an ex take credit for your emotional labor by talking you out of a breakup, only to use those same reasons as justification to break up with you two weeks later, one thing is certain: you probably have never faked an eviction notice to get an undesired roommate to move out!

What does this have to do with television? Almost nothing!

On the other hand, it is one of the many topics covered at the start of this week’s Podjiba. Guess which host identifies with which scenario highlighted above! (Or just, you know, listen to the episode, it’s all there in the first few minutes.)

Once we get over our own silly randomness and actually get to television…

- Dustin talks about the season 2 premiere of Evil, now on Paramount+!

- We talk about the premieres of two shows with put-upon housewives, Physical on AppleTV+ and Kevin Can F**k Himself on AMC!

- Finally, we end with a discussion of two heist-y shows, Lupin and Loki!

Podjiba! If it weren’t for Podjiba, at least one of your hosts would likely have already turned to a life of crime. But instead, the show can be found wherever podcasts are available, and also right here.