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Aaron Rodgers Claims Dr. Anthony Fauci Engineered the AIDs Epidemic

By Dustin Rowles | Podcasts | April 18, 2024 |

By Dustin Rowles | Podcasts | April 18, 2024 |


New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers is saying dangerously moronic things again, and not just that Bobby Kennedy is in danger (the only danger RFK, Jr. is in is that of losing a Presidential election where the rest of the Kennedy family will endorse Joe Biden in Philadelphia tonight).

Rodgers’ latest foray into tinfoil battery is his claim that HIV is a government-made virus and that Dr. Anthony Fauci was involved in its creation and spread. This is Fallout levels of conspiracy.

During an appearance on the “Look Into It” podcast, Rodgers suggested that Fauci engineered the epidemic. “The gameplan was made in the ‘80’s. Create a pandemic, with a virus that’s going wild. Fauci was given over $350 million to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed to handle the AIDS pandemic. And all they came up with was AZT (azidothymidine).”

Rodgers is basically claiming that Anthony Fauci killed over 700,000 Americans since the 1980s so that he could profit off of a drug. And that he and Pfizer did it again by creating the COVID-19 virus. This also from the guy who thought that Sandy Hook was an inside job.

I hate to be the shut-up and dribble guy, but Aaron Rodgers should stick to what he does best: choke in the playoffs.