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The 'Parks and Rec' Cast and Crew Are Making the Internet Cry on Their Last Day of Shooting

By Vivian Kane | Parks and Recreation | December 12, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Parks and Recreation | December 12, 2014 |

Today is the last day of filming for the cast and crew of Parks and Recreation. Ever. After seven seasons, they’re saying goodbye, and they’re doing it very publicly in an attempt to share their experience make us cry miniature horse-sized tears. The show’s creator Mike Schur (aka Ken Tremendous, best pseudonym since Johnny Madrid) has been plastering memories all over Twitter.

And the rest of the cast has been chipping in, too.

Today is the last day at #ParksAndRec. I love it more than I can say. I'm gonna miss you, Pawnee.

A photo posted by Megan Amram (@meganamram) on