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Your 25 Favorite Characters in Film, TV and Literature

By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | June 17, 2015 |

By Lord Castleton | Miscellaneous | June 17, 2015 |

At long last, here are your final results for your favorite characters. There were more than 2000 character votes cast by the final tally and though I split them up into genres and extrapolated some (questionable) results, this is the only result article that is 100% accurate. I was looking for your top 15 and now we have them. Sort of.

Because of ties, there were actually 10 extra characters crammed into the top 15. What can I say? There were a lot of ties.

The final results are simple: Who got the most votes, regardless of medium. If, for example, there were four votes for ‘Sherlock Holmes’ books and two for BBC Sherlock and two for Elementary ‘Sherlock’ and two for the Robert Downey Jr. movie Sherlock Holmes that looks like ten total votes for Sherlock Holmes to me. Simple enough, I think.

For those of you just joining us, these results were compiled from a preposterously long comments section response thread based on this article. If you missed the fireworks, don’t fret. We’ll be doing it again next year. To qualify all you have to do is read every single article we write, forward every article to your friends and family and hire a woman to be the CEO of your company. Super easy. Obviously, I’m kidding. You don’t have to forward every article. Sheesh.

Now then, before we get to the final tally, I wanted to include the things people wrote before they made their picks. It was almost as much fun to read them as it was to figure out the winners. I separated them into two categories: Pre-Answer and Post-Answer comments. Maybe it’s just me, but I love shit like this. You really get a sense about how people approached the challenge and how they viewed their own submissions. It’s got some density to it, but I think it’s worth it.

Oh god Ok here we go550.png

And then there’s this one. Any time one of my articles helps someone delurk or un-lurk (or whatever the proper term is) it’s like winning the Palme d’Or, the Kentucky Derby and the Six Nations Championship all at once. I love it. Come into the fold, lurkers. I will reward you with adoration and at the very least, hastily made graphics.

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And now for the Post-Answer Comments. Once people had made their picks and viewed them in the clear light of day, how did they feel?

Let’s juuuuuuust see.


And now! Hold on to your hats, because we’ve finally arrived at the moment you’ve all been waiting for…

Without further ado, your top 15 favorite characters of 2015 as chosen by you in the Pajiba Favorite Five.

#15 (tie) Willow Rosenberg and The Doctor and Captain America and Spike and Batman and Dana Scully and Lorelai Gilmore

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#14 (tie) Elizabeth Bennet and Jean Luc-Picard

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#13 Sam Vimes

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#12 Tyrion Lannister

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#11 Sherlock Holmes
You can discuss who the best Sherlock is — the votes were too split for me to chose one

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#10 Liz Lemon


#9 Harry Dresden

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#8 Captain Mal Reynolds


#7 (tie) Indiana Jones and Raylan Givens

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#6 (tie) Han Solo and Arya Stark

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#5 (tie) Ellen Ripley and Omar Little

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#4 Hermione Granger

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#3 Buffy Summers

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#2 Veronica Mars

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And the Number 1 bestest, awesomest, most favoritest character as voted by you is….

#1 Leslie Knope

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That’s it for the 2015 Pajiba Favorite Five! Send gift cards, cans of popcorn and hate mail to me at [email protected] or follow me on the twits.

Thank you all for playing.