By Courtney Enlow | Parks and Recreation | April 24, 2014 |
By Courtney Enlow | Parks and Recreation | April 24, 2014 |
According to Amy Poehler, something big is going to happen tonight on Parks and Recreation. What could be bigger than Leslie and Ben finding out they’re pregnant with triplets? The possibilities are…actually kind of depressing when you think about what shocking game-changer can happen to a woman pregnant with multiples, so let’s not think that way, but other than the possibility of one triplet eating the others, as was suggested on this week’s The Station Agents (guesting me, so listen if you haven’t), what could it be?
Luckily, according to Poehler, the news will be happy.
“The last minute or so of our season finale…the last moments are really important and big things happen that kind of show you where we’re going and where a lot of the characters are going or shows you where they may go,” series star Amy Poehler told reporters. “I would encourage everybody to make sure they watch until the very end…It ends with, I don’t know, a pretty exciting and—dare I say, in a good way—very exciting last moment. I’m very excited for people to see it.”
Let’s speculate wildly! Put your tinfoil hats on. If you don’t have one, it’s OK, Dustin usually has extras.
Could it be…
Tonight, we find out. Well, you might. I’m lit’rally dying of a Chris Traeger-level illness so I might have to watch it from the floor.