By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 16, 2023 |
By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 16, 2023 |
Britney Spears and Sam Asghari’s marriage has been showing signs of strain since practically the start, and that pattern has only increased in frequency as time went on. In a move that’s probably not going to come as a shock to anyone, they’ve reportedly separated. Although, for a slight twist, Sam is reportedly accusing Britney of cheating on him. Those claims are being met with speculation, but in fairness, are we really going to act like Britney can’t pull if she wants to? Seems kinda insulting. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sam isn’t entirely innocent either. Celebrity marriages, amirite? (TMZ)
Florence Pugh picketing Disney is punk as hell. (Lainey Gossip)
Natasha Lyonne is done wearing clothes that don’t make her comfortable even on a red carpet. “I won’t play that game anymore. I’m too seasoned.” (Celebitchy)
Marjorie Taylor Greene reveals Marjorie Taylor Greene’s plan to get rid of Marjorie Taylor Greene. (Wonkette)
From Roxana: For the Michael Mann fans, a new Brianna Ashby print. (Brianna Ashby Illustration)
Jack Smith has Trump’s Twitter DMs — including the deleted ones. (CNN)
Anthony Michael Hall, I would not tell people this. (EW)
Same, Baldur Gate 3 players, same. (Kotaku)
Cillian Murphy really doesn’t like seeing his ears on camera. (A.V. Club)
Leaving Sandra Bullock out of The Blind Side debacle is for the best. (Jezebel)
What better way to get through the final stretch of the hottest summer on Earth than a comment diversion embracing horror? Under the assumption that horror is better with a chainsaw, Cannonball Read invites you to add “with a chainsaw” to book titles to create great Splatterpunk horror books. What would your current read’s title look like with this horrific edit? (Cannonball Read 15)
NatteringwPride would like to discuss the ending of MegElison’s Number One Fan. “What I can’t decide is if the author intended that as some sort of commentary, or if she felt that it was a happy ending.” Have you read this one? (Cannonball Read 15)
From Andrew: This guy’s PR firm must be very good.
Live from Boston at the *checks notes* Jonas Brothers concert
— 🦇 Victoria Wasylak (@VickiWasylak) August 16, 2023