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Taryn Manning Loves Her ‘Un-Racist’ Hero Donald Trump

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 9, 2023 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | August 9, 2023 |


Taryn Manning is sick of hiding her truth and will never work in “sick Hollywood again,” which is why she posted a loving screed to her hero Donald Trump “the most un racist human on this planet.” Now, if you’ll excuse Taryn, she needs to make an Instagram Story praising Ne-Yo for his transphobic comments the other day. Orange is the New Black might be over, but damn, if she isn’t still in Pennsatucky Mode. She really nailed it. (Instagram)

Speaking of Instagram, Ariana Grande went ahead and locked her comments as she tries to hope everyone will get tired of remembering the home she helped wreck. (Lainey Gossip)

Russell Brand felt “chaotic” and “disconnected” while married to Katy Perry, which could stem from him feeling emasculated by her success and/or not being the batshit conspiracy theory fartwaffle he is today. (Celebitchy)

Wayne Brady wants nothing to do with Matt Walsh’s chinless ass. (Wonkette)

A kinder, gentler Bob Iger loves all the striking writers and actors out there. He’s super dedicated to making things right, you guys. Honest. (IndieWire)

The AI-testing over at G/O Media is going great, real great. (The Wrap)

“Kim, we can’t afford eggs.” (Uproxx)

Ron DeSantis blames absent fathers for abortions. Get bent, Meatball. (Jezebel)

Imagine interning as Elon Musk’s girlfriend. (The Cut)

If Cardi B throws a mic at you, recognize that you had it coming, but also catch it. That’s just good financial sense. (Gizmodo)

Could Bob Iger’s kinder tone have anything to do with notably increased talks that Apple might buy Disney? Maybe! (THR)

Like all of us, ASKReviews has fears to be faced, so she turned to Zen master Thich Nhat Hahn’s Fear for help. “What I can say about this book is that I found Nhat Hanh’s stories and way of writing about fear to be beautiful and meaningful to me, and I know that the many different exercises included will be helpful on my journey.” Whose books have you found meaningful? (Cannonball Read 15)