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Showtime Picks Up Canceled Netflix Series After Netflix Saves Showtime Series

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | February 11, 2023 |

By Lainey Bobainey | Pajiba Love | February 11, 2023 |


Let’s see if you all can follow this: Showtime has offloaded Ripley onto Netflix (the series is not related to Alien, but does star Andrew “Hot Priest” Scott, and it’s based on Patricia Highsmith’s Tom Ripley novels. Meanwhile, Showtime has picked up Uncoupled, a canceled Netflix series that I barely remember existed starring Neil Patrick Harris. Showtime also offloaded Three Womena Shailene Woodley series based on the Lisa Taddeo book — onto Starz. Oh, and HBO canceled Avenue 5 after two seasons after forgetting that it hadn’t already canceled it. (AV Club)

The rescue efforts from the Turkey and Syria earthquakes are heartbreaking and can make you feel pretty helpless. The New York Times has put together a list of charities you can donate to help. The article is not paywalled and is available to everyone. - (NYT)

When you’re a Hollywood teen of two (in)famous parents and you sneak out and crash your car, the best punishment is most definitely a new Mercedes, right? I mean, duh! - (Dlisted)

Mathew McConaughey has a children’s book coming out this summer. Just Because. - (EW)

I agree with everything Kaiser says here, and I will always just want the best for Britney Jean. - (Celebitchy)

Not a group of people I ever would have expected to see hanging together, but they all look great! As an aside, Lindsay’s hair color with that dress is just WOW! - (Lainey Gossip)

More pictures of Lilo’s look, where she was front row at Christian Siriano for New York Fashion Week and she also walked with her siblings? Okaaaay! - (GFY)

Such a beautiful project with so many generous and kind people involved. Warning: You might need a tissue. I DIDN’T BECAUSE I’M NOT A GIANT CRYBABY; DON’T LISTEN TO WHAT ANYONE ELSE SAYS. - (WP)

This is a bit of beauty too. Enjoy.

I would watch or listen to Christina Applegate in anything. - (Variety)

‘The Poorer You Are, the More Likely You Are to See Anti-Abortion Ads, Thanks to Google’ - (Jezebel)

Texas Governor Greg Abbott (who uses a wheelchair, just as an aside) has issued a degree that state agencies must stop using Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion initiatives. - (The Hill)

On the February 10th box of the George Santos Advent Calendar of Bullshit, we have his claim that he founded Vandelay Industries The Devolder Organization when he was 12 or 13. This guy! - (Newsweek)

As a reminder: You may not give a crap about the football game this weekend, but the PUPPY BOWL will be broadcast on Sunday and you don’t want to miss that! - (ET)