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Joe Rogan Touts Ivermectin While Announcing He Has COVID, Of Course

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 1, 2021 |

By Mike Redmond | Pajiba Love | September 1, 2021 |


After announcing earlier in the year that he’d never get vaccinated, Joe Rogan announced to his legions of fans that he has COVID-19, but he already feels better after taking every medicine under the sun including… goddammit… ivermectin. So look out for an even larger number of idiots sh*tting their brains out from chugging horse paste. USA! (NBC News)

The underrated Kirsten Dunst could be up for an Oscar nomination for The Power of the Dog, which premieres in Venice this week. (Lainey Gossip)

Stephen Amell is doing damage control for getting drunkenly kicked off a flight while yelling at his wife for what he admits was no good reason. (Dlisted)

Britney Spears’ dad is allegedly trying to extort her to the tune of $2 million. (Celebitchy)

As someone whose earliest childhood memory is getting the Dukes of Hazard Barnbusters toy set for Christmas, I’m not entirely choked up over this news. Sorry, General Lee, you’re where you belong now.

From Roxana: I simply would like to leave my life and instead be an airlifted cow through the Swiss Alps. (The Cut)

From James: Rudy Giuliani made a Cameo video endorsing a case against his own client. Is that bad? That sounds bad. (Intelligencer)

And Roxana again: Important work! The Federal Trade Commission is looking into why the McFlurry machines are always broken at McDonald’s. (TMZ)

From Petr:

Vacation Friends is getting a sequel even though I totally agree with Dustin’s review that it was a mediocre pile of bleh. (Variety)

Charlie Cox swears that’s not his forearm in the Spider-Man trailer. (Comic Book)

George Miller picked Anya-Taylor Joy for the Furiosa prequel after Edgar Wright showed him an early cut of Last Night in Soho. (IndieWire)

Tracy thought that Justin DePaoli’s Dragonblood Saga was a solid, if uneven read. "I really liked the explanation of how people, dragons, and other creatures came to be." What series would you suggest for the long weekend as a fun, if imperfect read? (Cannonball Read 13)

From Kaleena: Sarah “Smac” McCreanor is an entertainer/professional dancer (fans of So You Think You Can Dance might recognize her from season 16) This interpretive dance compilation is making the rounds on social media due to the fact that it’s equal parts brilliant and utterly bonkers.