By Andrew Sanford | News | January 22, 2025 |
Oxford Dictionary defines “coward” as “a person who lacks the courage to do or endure dangerous or unpleasant things.” That may be a straightforward way to kick things off, but what else can you say about a mayor who earned his position by (mostly) lying about his values and stance on political issues? Eric Adams pretended to be a Democrat while stoking the flames of fear in New Yorkers in a way that should have made his intentions obvious to many. I’m going to brag and say that I always knew, as I once called Adams a “Republican Who Hates Poor People.” Now, as he faces multiple investigations for corruption, everyone will see how right I was.
Adams was never shy about what he believed in, he just played to the right (wealthy) New Yorkers. He made them fear their city and promised to save them from it during the months they hadn’t escaped to Florida. Then, upon getting into office, he started threatening to slash budgets for social programs while helping balloon the budget for the biggest gang in the city (the NYPD). Not only did he start coming after regular folks, he did it with the kind of smug arrogance and s***ty clothes usually reserved for a Dick Tracy villain. He was the “Party Mayor,” said coyly by the media and negatively by anyone with self-respect.
Adams’ penchant for partying helped get him into hot water, or at least can now be seen as a notable symptom of his corrupt dealings. The Mayor would be seen out at nightclubs owned by people who were then (allegedly) given preferential treatment by the NYPD and certain city services. The Government also alleges that, since 2014, Adams has been taking bribes from Turkey via extravagant trips and other gifts from a Turkish government official and businessman. Adams denies the allegations, but he also denied that police officers use their phones instead of paying attention in the subway, and I’m here to tell you that he’s f***ing lying about that.
A big part of Adams’ image is defending police officers, even when they assault citizens or co-workers. He once said that we shouldn’t “demonize” police officers when discussing the five Memphis police officers who murdered Tyre Nichols. However, despite Adams’ grandstanding and proselytizing about police officers, his loyalties lie with himself and only himself. Why else would Adams return to the nation’s capital to celebrate the inauguration of a man who once encouraged his supporters to assault Capitol police officers?
Adams attended Donald Trump’s inauguration on Monday, presumably looking to be the next person of color who cozies up to the returning President for favors, only to get tossed aside once he’s outlived his usefulness (which amounts to appearing in pictures to prove Trump can be around Black and brown people). This is after Adams tap-danced his way down to Mar-A-Lago last week to meet with the President. Instead of attending planned celebrations in honor of Martin Luther King Jr., Adams was posing for pictures with Jake and Logan Paul and gearing up for his interview with a man he once said “perpetuates racist, anti-immigrant propaganda.”
Yes, Eric Adams sat down for an interview with Tucker Carlson, where the former FOX anchor continued to perpetuate racist, anti-immigrant propaganda as the Mayor of New York F***ing City sat and nodded his head. During the interview, Adams claimed the Democratic party had “left [him].” He also claimed that the charges against him were false because there was no secret stash of cash (because he thinks we’re all stupid). To be fair, if you want to use the police force to help ICE harass people in the city that has the biggest immigrant population in the country, Carlson’s show is the place to start.
Immigrants in NYC are rightfully terrified of Trump’s intentions toward them. He wants mass deportations, even for citizens. Adams has said that “the law” will prevent the city from assisting in ICE’s deportation efforts. He has also said that the NYPD will be “coordinating” with ICE. Internal memos within city offices say to block ICE raids, but who knows how far that will go? Adams is facing real trouble for his corrupt actions, and I lived in NYC long enough to spot a rat who’s about to chew off its leg to save itself.
This turn of events is one of the biggest slaps in the face. Adams is taking a city with a rich immigrant history and spitting in its face, all to save his own. His legacy is dogsh**, and he knows that. Given that this is an election year, we are about to see levels of shameless desperation hitherto unseen by a mayor of New York (which is really saying something). ICE has no place in New York City. Donald Trump has no place in New York City. Eric Adams has no f***ing place in New York City.
New Yorkers are hard-working, good people. Although rude and s***ty people can be found everywhere, New Yorkers get a bad rap. They look out for each other. They band together when times get tough, not throw each other under the bus. Any real New Yorker would sooner tell an ICE agent to go f*** themselves than coordinate with their diabolical actions. But Eric Adams is not a real New Yorker. Eric Adams is not a real Democrat. Eric Adams may not even be a Republican. He is a coward, plain and simple, and his cowardice has only begun to show its ugly face.