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What NPR Personalities Sound Like They Look Like Versus What They Actually Look Like

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | December 7, 2011 |

By Dustin Rowles | Miscellaneous | December 7, 2011 |

Many months ago, I compiled a list of pictures of various NPR (and American Public Media) personalities so that many of us could finally put a picture to the voice and the fact that the post didn’t become the most popular thing on the entire Internet of all time ever still bugs me. I mean, COME ON.

Anyway, something else came down the pipeline today that allowed me to link to that old post in the hopes that it finally becomes SUPER VIRAL, but more importantly, it’s pretty spot on. An artist named Gaelan Kelly sketched out these cartoons of what the NPR personalities looks like in his head based on their voices.

NPR How the voices look in my head.jpg

NPR How the voices look in my head PART 2 by Gaelan Kelly.jpg

That’s pretty much what most of them look like in my head, too. In reality (hyperlink hint, hint), however, he was really only close on Ira Glass, Terry Gross and, of course, Garrison Keillor (who looks more like a cow crossed with Satan).

And because, when else will I have the opportunity to post this news: It looks like Garrison Keillor is reconsidering his retirement, which is the worst thing to happen to NPR since they booted Bob Edwards. Retire goddamnit. You are pompous bloated windbag. I’m pretty sure he’s also a terrorist.

(WBEZ via Reddit)