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Twitter Has the Absolute Best Suggestion For Our #NextBond

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 22, 2016 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | May 22, 2016 |

Now that the world has been made aware that Daniel Craig turned down £68 million to continue on as James Bond, everyone seems to be torn between 1) questioning his sanity, and 2) joining in the guessing game of who his replacement will be.

Between having been spotted having lunch with Sam Mendes and a Bond producer last week, and then ordering a martini in The Night Manager (EVERYTHING IS A CLUE!), the consensus seems to be that Tom Hiddleston is definitely taking the role, to the point that UK bookies shut down betting on the subject. Which is great and fine, cause he’s super British and looks good in a tux and all that, but when the question was posed to Twitter, some undeniably more interesting ideas started gaining steam.

Okay, suave cats aside, there were some genuinely stellar suggestions. Idris Elba, OF COURSE, was a big favorite. As was Tom Hardy, Emily Blunt (swoon), and one other name that as soon as it was mentioned, seemed to blow every other nominee out of the water.

DAMN YOU, TWITTER. This is the worst thing that Twitter does (besides nonstop harassment and misogyny and racism and all that stuff, I guess). It presents these beautiful, perfect, shining ideas AND THEN MAKES US JUST LIVE WITH THEM IN OUR BRAINS AND NOT REALITY.

Oh, and if you’re denouncing this idea because Gillian Anderson is American, know that she actually has dual citizenship, and spent much of her life in London. If you’re denouncing it because she’s a woman, well, that one’s going to be harder to argue against. Of course, it would be really great if we didn’t have to argue against it, if gender weren’t viewed as a drawback to taking over a role that’s been played by enough different actors, anyone could logically take it over at this point. But that’s not the world we live in, is it?