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This Week In 'Seriously, F*ck That Guy': HBO Finales Edition

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2015 |

By Vivian Kane | Miscellaneous | June 18, 2015 |

Jack Warner, again. #TeamJohnOliver

Gawker’s new Phase Zero division for starting off with an assholish bang in insisting the Charleston shooting was absolutely not, no discussion about it, you’re wrong to say otherwise— racial terrorism.

—Everyone— every single person this week— who has compared the Rachel Dolezal shitshow to transgenderism.

—That Veep cliffhanger. That one is gonna haunt me till next season starts.

—Also, HBO for cutting these FANTASTIC scenes from the Veep finale. More Sue & Amy road trips!

Donald Trump. For ever. For everything.

—This raccoon catching a ride on an alligator, for being infinitely cooler than any of us will EVER be.

—This nun, who provided the unrelenting soundtrack to Cersei’s harrowing walk.

—That entire scene, actually.

—And while we’re at it..




—This scene as well.