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Sarah Silverman Made a Bad Career Move by Attempting to be Funny While in Possession of a Vagina

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | November 21, 2013 |

By Courtney Enlow | Miscellaneous | November 21, 2013 |

I need to just create a standard template and use it everytime another one of these stories comes along. It would save a lot of time. Do you even know how many Pinterest projects I could have finished in the time I’ve spent writing “dumb fuck said another dumb fuck thing about them damn womenfolk”? I COULD HAVE CREATED A SECRET BOOK NOOK BY NOW.

Take it away, Variety’s Brian Lowry.

“Despite all manner of career-friendly gifts - from her looks to solid acting chops - she’s limited herself by appearing determined to prove she can be as dirty and distasteful as the boys.”

That’s the television critic version of someone saying “you’d be a lot prettier if you smiled more.” She’s gifted by not being a hideous troll and she’s ruining it by being impolite and indelicate, the craven fool!

“Comics often impress each other with that kind of bawdy fare (see “The Aristocrats”), but Silverman frequently seems to be playing more toward those peers and a loyal cadre of fans than a broader audience that’s apt to be turned off by the questionable stuff, which feels more about shock value than cleverness. And if she really think saying “c—t” repeatedly is a form of artistic expression, more power to her, but in commercial terms, indulging those impulses comes at a price.”

Not bawdiness! Anything but that!

“This isn’t meant to suggest that female comics can’t work blue…”

Could have fooled me.

“…The lament here is that in the wrong hands it can feel gratuitous or become a crutch, whereas unlike many of her contemporaries, Silverman has enough tools that she can and should do more.”

Except for no. This is who she is. This is who she’s always been. It’s what’s made her her, like her or not. To imply that she should change her persona to become more family-friendly and, dare I say, ladylike, is not only offensive but moronic. Hey, Jim Norton, you could be super funny, but you’re bald. Work on that.

Basically, everyone’s stupid. Let’s throw some fucking confetti.