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Michael Fassbender Has Multi-Species Sexual Appeal, and Julie Walters Feels Up 50 Cent

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | November 7, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | November 7, 2015 |

Last night The Graham Norton Show featured Kate Winselt, Michael Fassbender, Julie Walters, and 50 Cent. That’s an interesting blend for the panel and it produced some of the most, er, “open” discussions I’ve seen from the show in a while. First of all (for the purposes of the post anyway) we have this anecdote about how Michael Fassbender’s horse on the movie Jane Eyre REALLY liked him. Horses! They’re just like us!

Then there’s a discussion about awards shows, particularly Julie Walters winning a BAFTA years ago while absolutely plastered. They don’t say it, but from the photo and her nerves I’m going to guess that was her first win in 1984 for Educating Rita. Kate Winslet also recounts the story of keeping her Oscar in the bathroom and why, and we learn that you should never make Michael Fassbender your best man.

And finally as 50 Cent is introducing his new single he recounts his story of being shot nine times, which I was aware of. What I wasn’t aware of is that he still has a bullet fragment lodged in his tongue, which he says is helpful with the ladies. I feel like we might need a lady friend of 50 Cent’s to back him up on this but for the time being we do have Julie Walters feeling up his tongue on television.