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How The Miami Marlins Showed Us What it Means to Make America Great Again

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2016 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | September 27, 2016 |

Last night was the first Presidential debate of the election. While immigration wasn’t a big focus of the evening, it is always dancing around the edges of this election. Mostly because one of the candidates has come out vocally against any immigration into America, to the point of promising to build physical barriers while denigrating the hard working people who do attempt to come to America.

While this was happening, the Miami Marlins were playing a game against the New York Mets. You may have heard that earlier this week the Marlins lost one of their young pitchers, José Fernndez, in a boating accident. He was 24. Here is how he was honored last night:

If you can’t see from the video, the entire Marlins team is wearing Fernndez’s name and number. The Marlins have said that the number will be retired after tonight.

I mention these things in conjunction, because José Fernndez fought hard to come to the US and become a citizen. He left Cuba on a boat, multiple times, in an attempt to gain freedom. He went to prison for it. He finally made it here as a teenager, and became an American citizen last year. He loved this country, he loved baseball, and he was an inspiration to many. His team loved him, Miami loved him, and baseball fans across the country and the world loved him. He was a credit to the United States.

The Marlins won the game last night, 7-3. But perhaps no run scored was more emotional than this first one by Dee Gordon:

Side Note: Last night, in a foolish attempt to say that José Fernndez was exactly the type of American we should be honoring no matter his origin, I made the mistake of referring to him as “undocumented” in a tweet. That was wrong and I apologize.