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Karen Walker Lives! The 'Will & Grace' Cast Reunited to Take Down Trump

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | September 27, 2016 |

By Courtney Enlow | Videos | September 27, 2016 |

Desperate times call for desperate measures, and that’s why Sean Hayes broke out his finest sweater vest and Megan Mullally busted out her finest cleavage as they reunited with Debra Messing and Eric McCormack to take down our greatest enemy: Stan’s new anus Donald Trump they might be the same thing.

God willing this will start a trend of beloved sitcoms reuniting to save this great nation. I want Antonio Scarpacci delivering a monologue about immigration to the rest of the Wings cast. I want the Saved by the Bell kids recreating the “no hope with dope” spot only they capitalize the ‘D’ and it’s basically the same script other than that. Multi-cam sitcoms will save us all.

Help us, Regina Falange, you’re our only hope.