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A24 Studios To Open World's Most Depressing Holiday Display

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | December 5, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Miscellaneous | December 5, 2015 |

It’s the time of year when shopping malls and public spaces across America (and probably other countries, I guess) are putting up their winter holiday finery. Beautifully decorated trees, twinkly lights, sparkly ornaments, the occasional giant menorah, and charming Christmas village displays are the norm, but apparently the good people at A24 decided to buck the trend. They’ve made the bold call to reconstruct the dingy, depressing, 10’x10’ room that was the setting for the beginning of the film Room starting today near the Landmark Theater in Los Angeles.

So if all the sparkles and forced cheer get to you, and you happen to be in the Los Angeles area, you can always take a break with this. Should help put the seasonal annoyance of holiday parties and overcrowded shopping malls into perspective, anyway.