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Casting Call May Spoil Another Marvel Villain's Appearance in 'Avengers: Infinity War'

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | June 25, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Marvel Movies | June 25, 2015 |

***Spoiler Warning: In case you didn’t get the headline gist, this may be an Avengers: Infinity War spoiler. If you don’t want to read about that sort of thing, ruuuuuun!


(gif via Slashfilm)

We already know Marvel’s upcoming Infinity War two-parter is being directed by Joe and Anthony Russo, and will feature Josh Brolin’s big, bad Thanos. A new casting call has gone out and it looks like there are plans for the Avengers to deal with another villain, but for now take this as speculative rumor more than certain spoiler. Via Slashfilm, a notice has gone out for Adam Warlock aka Magus.

“The film is the first in a two-part sequel in which Thanos plays a major role, along with the Magus. Adam Warlock’s bad side, the Magus, separates from his body and assembles the Infinity Gauntlet. Magus creates doppelgängers of Earth’s heroes as part of his plan to recreate a universe of evil.”

Fans have been speculating about Warlock’s appearance in a Marvel film since that cocoon spied in the Guardians of the Galaxy tease at the end of Thor: The Dark World,


so is Infinity Wars where he finally shows up, or will he make a Guardians 2 appearance, first? Do we have any dreamcasting suggestions? I love the idea of seeing the Avengers’ evil counterparts, although I presume CapAss will always be used for good.


Additionally, the IW casting notice seems to confirm Tom Hiddleston will return as Loki.

Avengers: Infinity War — Part 1 begins filming in 2016, and hits theaters May 4, 2018.

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)