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Stephen Colbert Captures All of Our Dismay, and Love, for Paris

By Genevieve Burgess | Late Night TV | November 14, 2015 |

By Genevieve Burgess | Late Night TV | November 14, 2015 |

It’s been hard for me to find a way to talk about the attacks on Paris without really talking about them. This is an entertainment site, and I have no professional standing to discuss world events of this type on anything beyond a very personal level. But this clip from the end of last night’s Late Night with Stephen Colbert captures a lot of the helplessness and dismay that I, and I suspect most of you, have felt today as the news continued to roll in about what happened and, in some cases, what didn’t happen:

Paris has been a setting for important works of Western literature and entertainment for centuries. Many of us, even if we haven’t traveled there, feel a connection to the city through books, movies, television shows, or other media that have touched our lives. Please feel free to share and discuss whatever you need to here.