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'Game of Thrones'' Iwan Rheon Wants Ramsay Bolton to Suffer An Epically Nasty Death

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 4, 2015 |

By Cindy Davis | Game of Thrones | June 4, 2015 |

Ramsay Bolton is just like us! Wait, that didn’t come out right. What I mean to say is, Iwan Rheon is just like us; he wants that Bolton bastard to pay dearly for the suffering he’s inflicted on the world. Despite all the ridiculous defenses of Ramsay raping Sansa Stark on their wedding night, Rheon himself knows just how horrific it was; of all the people involved and affected, he seems the most perturbed about his character’s actions.

“Of all the terrible things Ramsey’s done - and there have been loads - that [the rape] was by far the hardest to shoot.

It was a horrible, horrendous thing to do, and I remember having a little moment in my trailer beforehand. I was like, ‘I’m not sure I can do this; actually , I really don’t want to do this’ - I was struggling, to be honest. But, in the end , I just had to pick myself up and get on with the job at hand - we both did, me and Sophie [Turner].

After all, this sort of thing goes on in the world all the time - it’s our duty as actors to try and portray such things as truthfully as possible.”

Rheon also knows there’s nothing left for Ramsay but to be killed off, and he’d like for that to happen in epic fashion.

“No, there’s absolutely nothing redeemable about Ramsey” - dubbed The Bastard of the Dreadfort - “which is crazy really, because surely everyone has at least one good point.

“He’s just bad to the bone - be it by nature or nurture. After all he’s the illegitimate son of a lord and has always resented his lowly status, along with the fact that he’s struggled to win acceptance from his father. But that’s no excuse for how he is - he’s just been left to his own devices for far, far too long.

…that day is definitely coming, no mistake about it - and I hope that when it does it’s epically nasty, and preferably dragon-related.He needs to go out with the bang.”

*****Possible Spoiler Ahead — Read at your own risk!*****


Unfortunately, from Rheon’s next comments, it looks like that spectacular death scene may not happen by the end of this season, which is…disappointing, to say the least.

“It could happen at any time, that’s the nature of the show - no one’s really safe. That said, I’ve just bought a flat in London so I hope that day doesn’t come too soon.”

Ugh. I don’t know about the rest of you, but I was pretty certain we’d be closing out this season with Sansa getting some spectacular revenge, and maybe even Theon obtaining a replacement…sausage. Not sure how to process the possibility that’s going to be held over for another season, but maybe Rheon’s just misleading us? And don’t even get me started on this:

“God knows I don’t want him to become a White Walker. I’d hate to become a bloody zombie after all this.”

I have to admit that in this particular instance it’s been difficult for me as a viewer to separate the actor from the role — I’ve barely been able to stand the sight of him onscreen. Reading his insights will make it a hell of a lot easier. (It’s also interesting to hear the difference in approaches to the scene between 19-year-old Sophie Turner, an actress in her first big role, and Rheon (30), who’s been in the business over a decade.)

(via WalesOnline)

Cindy Davis, (Twitter)