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Trailblazer Amy Schumer Won A Glamour Award, Got Real, And Real Gross

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | June 4, 2015 |

By Kristy Puchko | Videos | June 4, 2015 |

How do you follow up winning a Peabody Award and making out with Tina Fey in front of a captive audience? If you’re Amy Schumer, you do it by going to London to accept a Trailblazer award from Glamour magazine, and casually talking about how your adolescence made you a “Jack O’Lantern with tits” and werewolf thighs, or how women in comedy are asked to be “cum dumpsters” in photoshoots. And that’s just the start.

It’s all kind of fabulous, gang.

Obviously, the audio is NSFW. Use your headphones.

We love that she was like, Glamour event? Okay. Let’s get all kinds of real, and fuck this shit up.

But it wasn’t all humor meant to make women guffaw and men squirm. Schumer also dropped some inspirational truth bombs like, “I’m probably 160 pounds right now, and I can catch a dick whenever I want. That’s just the truth.”

And: “I’m not to going apologize for who I am. I am just going to love the skin I’m in, and not try to strive for some other version of myself.”

Raise a glass, to the Queen of Crass and Class.


All hail.

Kristy Puchko is disappointed everytime she’s walking around New York in the winter and is not accosted by the Inside Amy Schumer street team for an interview.