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Warner Brothers Greenlights a Fourth 'Matrix' Movie with Keanu Reeves

By Dustin Rowles | Film | August 20, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Film | August 20, 2019 |


In the same hour that Deadline announced that Sony and Marvel will be parting ways over Spider-Man, Variety is now reporting that Keanu Reeves and Carrie Ann Moss will return for Matrix 4. Lana Wachowski will direct the film solo, along with screenwriters David Mitchell (Cloud Atlas) and novelist Aleksandar Hemon.

From Variety:

Warner Bros. has been trying for the last couple years to find a way to get back to this universe but a hold up over producing rights on who owned what slowed down the development. Over the past couple months, the studio saw a perfect storm brewing starting with Reeves super strong summer that included the box office smash hits “John Wick 3” and “Toy Story 4” and a script from Wachowski that got the studio and Reeves excited about a possible return.

So, basically, a career resurgence for Pajiba 10 winner Keanu Reeves is why we’re getting a fourth Matrix movie. I ain’t mad at it. If they want to restart Speed and Point Break along with the already in-production Bill and Ted sequel, I’m OK with that, too. There can never be enough Keanu, unless someone decides to greenlight that movie about the time-traveling mailbox. We have to draw the line somewhere.

Meanwhile, somehow it’s been SEVENTEEN YEARS since Matrix Revolutions, so this is probably great news for rebooting interest in the franchise. It also probably means that a lot of us are going to have to finally go back and watch Revolutions after bailing on the franchise after Reloaded. That’s fine. It’s gotta be better than Lake House.

Source: Variety

Header Image Source: Warner Brothers