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The Paparazzi Have Taken an Interest in Ali Wong Because of Her Boyfriend

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 2, 2023 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | June 2, 2023 |


Comedian Ali Wong, just off the opening night of her 44-date stand-up tour, is experiencing a level of fame that she has never received before, and it’s not just because of her Netflix series Beef (or the controversy surrounding it). It’s because she’s dating Bill Hader, the creator of Barry, possessor of a large penis, and the man who gave Rachel Bilson her first orgasm.

She doesn’t mention Hader’s name, but in a recent interview with Variety, Wong spoke about surreal experience of suddenly being a target of the paparazzi. “It’s so weird. I can’t even explain it. I have never, ever been snapped by paparazzi until this year.”

“I was talking to someone recently and they said, ‘I think it’s so alarming when it happens because you feel like you’ve been caught when really, you’re not doing anything wrong,’” Wong added. “It was someone giving me, in hindsight, advice about their former relationship with a famous person. They had spent so much energy hiding, and that defined the whole relationship. That’s still staying with me, and it’s quite an adjustment.”

It is interesting that her divorce from Justin Hakuta — with whom she remains close — did not get the same scrutiny as that of John Mulaney, despite the fact that much of Ali Wong’s last three stand-up specials were about her marriage. I wonder if her relationship with Hader will make her next special?

Wong, however, also thinks that the impact of her new celebrity must be very weird for her mother.

“The other thing is my mom reads People magazine; she’s been a longtime subscriber, and she does the crossword puzzle. I haven’t even discussed it with her, but that must be so surreal for her. I’m trying to get used to it.”

Source: Variety