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That's Not What Rachel Bilson Meant About Her Break-Up With Bill Hader, Who Has a Large Penis

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 2, 2022 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 2, 2022 |


Again with the gossip, because that’s all I have the bandwidth for today. The Haddish story took it all out of me.

Remember when Rachel Bilson — who “went to the f**king Golden Globes” with [her ex Bill Hader] — compared her break-up after nearly a year with him to the pain of giving childbirth? More precisely, Bilson said that “It hurt like a motherf-ker. It was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Harder than childbirth.”

On a recent episode of her podcast, Bilson sought to clarify that statement. It wasn’t the break-up itself that was harder than childbirth — it was going through it under the circumstances she was in.

“I said it was during a time where you could not leave your house. You had to sit in whatever it was that you were going through. So, I had to deal with this, I had to deal with being alone and taking care of my kid. Like all of these things — that time having to force facing all of your sh*t. [That’s what I was saying] was harder than childbirth.”

That makes sense. Bilson also said on the podcast that she is no longer single. She wouldn’t elaborate other than to affirm with a “F**k yeah” when asked, “Is he bringing you coffee in the morning? Is he bringing you missionary?” I wonder how her new boyfriend feels about Bilson also publicly stating that what she actually misses most about Hader is “his big dick”?

Source: E! via Uproxx