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Kirsten Dunst Clarifies ‘Sad Mom’ Roles Comment: ‘I Deserve to Be Picky’

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 3, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | April 3, 2024 |


Last month, Kirsten Dunst gave an interview where she admitted she didn’t act for two years before her role in Civil War because the only roles she was being offered after Power of the Dog were “sad mom” roles. It was quoted by news outlets far and wide—this one included, by yours truly—and everyone was all like, is Kirsten Dunst okay? Like, is she good?

“I’m gooood!” She said in a new interview with British GQ. “It seems like people want to talk about the last interview I did a lot. It’s so boring.” Drag me, Kirsten!

She clarified that she isn’t struggling to find work: “It’s not hard to get roles. I just don’t want to work on things because most things aren’t very good. Let’s just call a spade a spade here…I’ve been working since I was three. Most people who have worked this long are retired. I deserve to be picky.” Put that in your headline and smoke it.

As for the whole “two years” off thing: Hello! She’s been, you know, raising kids!

“In my opinion, I’ve had zero gaps. All I’ve been doing is mothering,” she said. “I’m either wiping an ass or giving an interview. There’s literally no in between.”

A moment of silence to just let that delicious statement sink in.

Thank you. Oh, and by the way, she thinks it’s so silly that people freaked out when she said actors only do superhero movies for the money. This time, her interviewer told her, “No one says that kind of thing.”

“They don’t?” She replied. “Really, that’s the reason people do those movies!” And, for the record, she wasn’t asked to make an appearance in Spider-Man: No Way Home, but she “would have.” But she has talked to Bring It On director Peyton Reed about a remake.

Mean Girls got redone, and I think that right now, women my age are the most powerful viewers, in a weird way.”

She’d really like to work with directors like Paul Thomas Anderson and Justine Triet, “filmmakers that want to make something that means something,” and just in general be in the drivers seat more, maybe produce. But working isn’t her number one priority.

“I don’t have the drive to be on the phone all day. This industry, it’s not a good industry. I’m just happy being with the people I love.”