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Kevin Spacey Rushed To Hospital With Heart Attack Symptoms

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 4, 2023 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | October 4, 2023 |

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The Sun reports that, on Monday, Kevin Spacey was rushed to a hospital in Uzbekistan with heart attack symptoms. The 64-year-old was in the country attending the 15th Tashkent International Film Festival.

Apparently, the disgraced actor felt his left arm go numb while touring the Afrasiyab Museum in the city of Samarkand. He was taken to the hospital, where he was given a series of tests, including an MRI scan. A source tells the Sun that Kevin’s heart is okay, and doctors gave him a clean bill of health. What a relief for Kevin Spacey.

During a speech at the film festival’s closing night ceremony, Kevin informed the crowd that the incident “made me really take a moment and think about how fragile life is - for all of us.” He added:

“I experienced something here today that was unexpected. I was looking at these extraordinary murals on the walls and I suddenly felt my entire left arm go numb for about eight seconds. I shook it off, but I immediately told the people I was with and we went immediately to the medical centre.”

“I spent the afternoon there having a variety of tests. Staff took care of me, and even put me through an MRI. Everything turned out to be completely normal, and I’m grateful it’s not anything more serious.”

The day before his health scare, Kevin once again announced he was planning his big Hollywood comeback and insisted that his “best roles were ahead of him.” Even before he was acquitted of all nine charges of sexual assault in his U.K. criminal trial back in July, Kevin’s been going on about how a comeback is in the works. In June, he said, “I know that there are people right now who are ready to hire me the moment I am cleared of these charges in London. The second that happens, they’re ready to move forward.” Sure, Jan.

In the last few years, the only people who want anything to do with Kevin are Z-list filmmakers and the Italian film community (for some reason). And the poor soul forced to shoot Kevin’s creepy Christmas YouTube videos:

Get well soon!*

*let me be clear, these well wishes are intended for anyone who just clicked ‘Play’ on that “Let Me Be Frank” video.