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Jerry Seinfeld Apologizes To Howard Stern For Saying He Isn't Funny

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | May 9, 2024 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | May 9, 2024 |

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Jerry Seinfeld is apologizing. Oo, for what? Blaming the “extreme left and P.C. crap” for the demise of comedy? His shitty Pop-Tart movie? Not really caring if Trump becomes President again? Sigh. Nope. Jerry is apologizing to Howard Stern for saying he wasn’t funny.

Jerry, 70, guested on yesterday’s episode of David Spade and Dana Carvey’s podcast, Fly on the Wall. The three comics discussed comedy podcasts, and Jerry said that Howard Stern basically invented the format. Then he joked, “But we’re better than him now.” He continued, “Howard is interesting. Howard is a great interviewer, but comedy chops, I mean, can we speak candidly?” That’s when Dana said that Howard’s co-host, Robin Quivers, is the reason Howard’s show can be funny.

Jerry replied, “Yeah, they’re all great, but, let’s face it. He’s been outflanked.” He added that there are better comedy podcasts on the air, including Dana and David’s show: “This is the best one on the air. Because you guys play nice together, it’s smooth, you’re not jumping on each other, which is annoying to listen to.”

I actually agree with Jerry. Howard ain’t funny. Maybe it’s because I’m a woman and can’t look past his decades of misogyny. Maybe it’s cuz I’m a millennial and wasn’t brainwashed into thinking he’s hilarious. Whatever the reason, Howard Stern has never made me laugh. Not once.

Unfortunately for us Stern-haters, Jerry immediately backtracked his statements and apologized. Yesterday he told Page Six:

“I really feel bad for what I said about my friend Howard Stern in a conversation with David Spade and Dana Carvey, talking about the glut of comedy podcasts.”

“I meant to say he must feel surrounded but I said ‘outflanked’ which sounded terrible and insulting. And of course, none of these little shows are any threat to his giant show. Anyway, it was bad and I’m sorry, Howie. I still love you. Please forgive me.”

Oh, so Jerry’s OK with offending people unless it’s Howard Stern? Got it.