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Jane Fonda Is Concerned for Jennifer Lopez’s Marriage to Ben Affleck

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | February 16, 2024 |

By Emma Chance | Celebrity | February 16, 2024 |


Not only did Jennifer Lopez release a new album, This Is Me…Now, and accompanying film, This Is Me…Now: A Love Story, but there’s also a documentary about the making of the album/film, The Greatest Love Story Never Told coming to Amazon February 26th, and all of this on her own dime. I’m winded just from typing that.

A big chunk of the album/film/doc’s subject matter is Lopez’s relationship with husband Ben Affleck and her journey to get to him. Jane Fonda, Lopez’s former Monster-in-Law co-star and forever friend appears in the musical film as a member of Lopez’s “Zodiac love council.” Before filming the project, though, Fonda expressed skepticism.

“I believe that everyone in the entire world is pulling for this relationship and this love. And the idea of how you present that is so sacrosanct, so important. It should be handled in a way that you aren’t overly flaunting it, so much so that it creates any form of criticism or resentment,” Fonda said to Benny Medina, Lopez’s manager.

She agreed to participate in the film, but it didn’t nullify her concerns.

“I want you to know that I don’t entirely know why, but I feel invested in you and Ben, and I really want this to work,” Fonda says to Lopez directly in the documentary. “However, this is my concern. Like, it feels too much like you’re trying to prove something instead of just living it. You know, every other photograph is the two of you kissing and the two of you hugging.”

Lopez laughs in response and says, “That’s just us living our life.”

Fonda keeps pushing, though. “I got real scared, you know, with all that shit about the Grammys and he looks unhappy and I’m like, ‘Oh my God, what’s happening?’” She says.

“Nothing!” Lopez insists. “He was like, ‘I’ve become the symbol of the beleaguered man.” I mean, “beleaguered” is kind of my type, so I get it.

It’s the same thing she said at the Golden Globes last month:

“Ben is doing alright. You don’t need to worry about Ben, let me just tell you. He is good. He is happy. He is here—he is nominated. I’m chilling, I don’t understand what people are so pressed for.”

They’re so alright and good and happy, she made an album, a movie, and a documentary just to prove it! Makes sense to me.