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It's a New Dawn, a New Day: POTUS Twitter Welcomes Chrissy Teigen

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 21, 2021 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | January 21, 2021 |


I swear to you that, in the days before the Inauguration, I mindlessly hummed, “It’s a new dawn, it’s a new day” around the house repeatedly and mused that it should be featured at the inauguration. It was, and by none other than John Legend, who delivered a stirring rendition of it during Biden’s very cheesy, very needed Inauguration Celebration.

Meanwhile, Mr. Legend’s wife, Chrissy Teigen, somehow lost a tooth in a fruit roll-up yesterday.

And she wasn’t even drunk!

That wasn’t her big news of the day, however. After Twitter officially switched the POTUS account from Donald Trump to Joe Biden, Teigen jokingly asked for a follow, after having been blocked by the previous occupant at the White House for expert trolling.

It didn’t take long for Biden’s team to make Teigen’s day. By night’s end, Teigen — along with several aides to President Biden — became one of 13 follows on the new POTUS account.

Let’s add, “Making Chrissy Teigen’s day,” to the list of accomplishments in Joe Biden’s first 24 hours.