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Hi, Idris Elba Gives Great Oral Sex, How Ya Doing?

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | December 18, 2018 |

By Mike Redmond | Celebrity | December 18, 2018 |


Yesterday, Idris Elba turned Twitter into a bottomless lagoon of sploosh with his breathtakingly concise support for the #MeToo movement. Usually in this hellhole of a timeline, a story like that is followed by a soul-crushing report that the newest champion for women is actually Rapey Satan.

The Idris Elba story went a different direction.

I’ll give you a minute to compose yourself. — We good? Alright, cool, because I transcribed the TMZ video. May I recommend laying down a tarp?

RAQUEL: Behind closed doors you say he ate the box like a boss, something. What you say? How he eat the box?

K. MICHELLE: He’s very passionate, that was so good…

RAQUEL: Oh, it took you back right now in the moment. [laughs] You know what I’m saying?

K. MICHELLE: GAH! [gets up out of chair, squeals, dances around]

RAQUEL: It took you back like—

K. MICHELLE: Sometimes, girl!


K. MICHELLE: Sometimes it do.

And that was the time Idris Elba’s ex-girlfriend tried to discuss his head game and lost all physical and verbal control just remembering it. But because I have no idea whether or not I’ve satisfied someone, which is probably a sign that I have not on any level, here’s an additional tale that Genevieve brought to my attention in the Overlord Slack. It only has a few retweets, which is criminal because it involves Elba practically waiting on writer Aliya S. King who showed up super pregnant to an interview. Granted, he asks if she’s having twins because she’s literally due at any second, but he recovers nicely, and it shows he’s actually human and not all oral sex demigod. Just mostly.

Here’s the initial tweet so you folks can kick it around Twitter, and obviously, her opening is sarcastic.

I suggest only visiting that thread if you’re of strong heart and still have that tarp out because I’ll just go ahead and summarize how this ends for you.

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