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Billie Eilish Thinks She Should Have 'A Ph.D In Masturbation'

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | April 24, 2024 |

By Emily Richardson | Celebrity | April 24, 2024 |

billie eilish rolling stomne.png

Billie Eilish covers the May issue of Rolling Stone. In the interview, the 22-year-old musician opens up about her sexuality, sex in general, and her passion for self-pleasure. When asked what she does to decompress, Billie’s answer is simple:

“Sex. I basically talk about sex any time I possibly can. That’s literally my favorite topic. My experience as a woman has been that it’s seen in such a weird way. People are so uncomfortable talking about it, and weirded out when women are very comfortable in their sexuality and communicative in it.

I think it’s such a frowned-upon thing to talk about, and I think that should change. You asked me what I do to decompress? That shit can really, really save you sometimes, just saying. Can’t recommend it more, to be real.”

Billie also has some very strong opinions on masturbation:

“TMI, but self-pleasure is an enormous, enormous part of my life, and a huge, huge help for me,” she says. “People should be jerking it, man. I can’t stress it enough, as somebody with extreme body issues and dysmorphia that I’ve had my entire life.”

Billie says she likes to masturbate in front of the mirror, “partly because it’s hot”, but also because it helps her make a “raw, deep connection” to herself and her body. And it helps her love her body. She continues:

“I got to say, looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking ‘I look really good right now’ is so helpful. You can manufacture the situation you’re in to make sure you look good. You can make the light super dim, you can be in a specific outfit or in a specific position that’s more flattering.

I have learned that looking at myself and watching myself feel pleasure has been an extreme help in loving myself and accepting myself, and feeling empowered and comfortable.”

After her masturbation monologue, Billie “exhales and inches back farther on the couch”, and tells the interviewer “I should have a Ph.D in masturbation.” Billie Eilish: Oscar winner, Grammy winner, and… future doctor?

Last year, Billie made headlines for a Variety interview where she said she was attracted to women “for real”. The media described it as her “coming out”, but that surprised her. The next month, Billie told a red carpet interviewer that she didn’t intentionally come out, “but I kinda thought, wasn’t it obvious?” She also posted about it on Instagram, with the caption:

“Thanks Variety for my award and for also outing me on a red carpet at 11 a.m. instead of talking about anything else that matters. I like boys and girls leave me alone about it please literally who cares.”

Now, Billie tells Rolling Stone that she may have overreacted with her post:

“Who fucking cares?” she says. “The whole world suddenly decided who I was, and I didn’t get to say anything or control any of it. Nobody should be pressured into being one thing or the other, and I think that there’s a lot of wanting labels all over the place.

Dude, I’ve known people who don’t know their sexuality or feel comfortable with it until they’re in their forties, fifties, or sixties. It takes a while to find yourself, and I think it’s really unfair, the way that the internet bullies you into talking about who you are and what you are.”

She also expects a lot more media attention re: her sexuality with her new album, Hit Me Hard and Soft, which features a sexy, sexy song called “Lunch”:

“That song was actually part of what helped me become who I am, to be real,” Eilish says. “I wrote some of it before even doing anything with a girl, and then wrote the rest after. I’ve been in love with girls for my whole life, but I just didn’t understand — until, last year, I realized I wanted my face in a vagina. I was never planning on talking about my sexuality ever, in a million years. It’s really frustrating to me that it came up.”

Here’s more of Billie’s Rolling Stone photoshoot: