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Azealia Banks Understands EXACTLY Why Idris Elba Can't Be Cast as Bond

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 1, 2015 |

By Dustin Rowles | Celebrity | September 1, 2015 |

As Cindy explained earlier, the author of the next James Bond novel, Anthony Horowitz, doesn’t think Idris Elba would be a suitable choice to play the next bond because he is, uh, “too street.” He doesn’t think Elba is “suave” enough because Horowitz has a skull crammed full of feces.

But rapper Azealia Banks thinks she knows the real reason why Idris Elba could never be cast as Bond, and you know what? She’s probably not wrong.

I am fairly certain she’s right that it would be incredibly hard to follow Idris Elba with someone like Damian Lewis, James McAvoy or Michael Fassbender. They’re great actors and all, but they would probably pale in comparison (see what I did there? Clever, right? No? OK, I’ll go back to talking about Suits then.)

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