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It's Kamala; Miss Harris If You're 'Nasty'

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 2, 2019 |

By Dustin Rowles | Politics | May 2, 2019 |


We could spend the morning talking about AG William Barr’s disastrous testimony in front of the Senate yesterday (and his refusal to testify in front of the House today), but I think OG Nasty Woman Hillary Clinton summed it all up last night on Rachel Maddow: “Calling for his resignation makes perfect sense, because he’s not discharging the duties of the office; he’s not going to resign, and at this point, I think that we know what we need to know about him.”

Basically, that. He’s not going to resign, and Trump sure as hell isn’t going to fire him, because Trump has found the perfect shield: An undeniably political figure willing to use the independent DOJ to defend the President (and likely, fight Trump’s political battles for him). And trust this: If William Barr is not impeached, he will use the DOJ to go after Trump’s political enemies. He basically said as much in answer to the very first question Kamala Harris asked him during Senate testimony:

And you can bet your ass that, should Kamala win the nomination, Trump will use Barr to go after her. Speaking of Kamala, holy shit, here’s that entire exchange, and as I said on Twitter yesterday, all Kamala had to do to steer media attention away from Biden and Bernie was to murder a man on Capitol Hill.

This is why the part of me that loves politics for politic’s sake loves the Democratic primaries, because in a few short months, I’ve gone from leaning Kamala to Mayor Pete to Elizabeth Warren and, after seeing Kamala rip the face off William Barr yesterday, back to Harris. And she’s rightfully getting more attention this morning by being the face of the impeach Barr movement.

And if you’re keeping count at home, yesterday was the second time this week that Donald Trump called Kamala Harris “nasty,” so don’t retire those Nasty Woman T-shirts from 2016, ladies (the quote, yesterday, was that she is “probably very nasty,” to be exact). What I wouldn’t give to see Kamala take that brand of nasty to Trump during the debates.

Finally, I leave you with this: A fairly remarkable clip from Christopher Wallace in which he calls out members of his own network for downplaying the Mueller letter to William Barr:

I feel like, at some point, Fox News is going to have to decide if they’re going to be the network of Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson, of the network of Shep Smith and Chris Wallace, because there is no way the news division and the editorial side gets along.

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