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Netflix Cancels 'Sense8'

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | June 1, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Streaming | June 1, 2017 |

After two seasons, Netflix has pulled the plug on The Wachowski’s epic series Sense8, via TVPatrol:

“After 23 episodes, 16 cities and 13 countries, the story of the Sense8 cluster is coming to an end,” Cindy Holland, VP Netflix original content, said in the statement. “It is everything we and the fans dreamed it would be: bold, emotional, stunning, kick ass, and outright unforgettable. Never has there been a more truly global show with an equally diverse and international cast and crew, which is only mirrored by the connected community of deeply passionate fans all around the world. We thank Lana, Lilly, Joe and Grant for their vision, and the entire cast and crew for their craftsmanship and commitment.”

That is a bummer. I loved bold, uncool bravery of season one; in fact, a lot of folks on staff fell in love with the first season because — as clunky as it could be, at times — it was a transcendent celebration of love, and we are all saps.

I have to admit, however, that I’ve been stuck on episode four of the second season for a few weeks now, and I know it will get better, and I know I will finish it and probably love it, but with so much else on, the series might have needed to grab us sooner out of the gate.

We don’t know the exact reasons for the cancellation, but relatively low viewership combined with the expense of a series this vast in scope probably doomed it. We were fortunate, in fact, to get a second season at all. So, thanks for that Netflix, and I look forward to seeing many of these actors in other projects.

The cancellation of Sense8 comes days after Netflix cancelled The Get Down, another series too expensive to justify its small viewership.

And yet, Flaked is still on.