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Twitter Users Ponder Their Favorite Sentences From the 'The Simpsons'

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 9, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | December 9, 2022 |


This has got to be the most I’ve laughed from a Twitter thread in a long, long time. I mean, it makes sense, seeing as it’s mining quite possibly the richest comedic vein of all time: the golden age of The Simpsons. No other pop culture property has done as much to shape the vocabulary and the language overall of multiple generations as Matt Groening’s late 20th-century creation. I go back and rewatch seasons 3-8 or so quite often, and it’s never less than absolutely mind-blowing to witness the run of quality that The Simpsons managed back then. You look at the episode listing of something like season 4 or 5 and it genuinely boggles the mind. So when you stumble on a Twitter prompt like this:

You know you’re in for a good time. The sheer volume of possible responses is almost paralyzing, although for me, this answer spoke deeply, as I’ve found myself saying this line in response to almost everything I didn’t fully understand at first over the last year or so:

Below are a number of highlights, and I really just had to force myself to stop by the end, because you can otherwise just keep going, and going, and going: