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Twitter Users Ponder the Most Messed Up Food Combinations They Secretly Enjoy

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | July 18, 2023 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | July 18, 2023 |


I’d like to say that over here at Pajiba we are fans of food, but considering some of the culinary crimes that have been committed here over the years, I’m not sure that’s entirely accurate. We probably need a different term for it. Not ‘fans’. Maybe something like ‘explorers’ or ‘envelope pushers’. Whatever the best term for it might be, there’s no shortage of passionate backstage discussions that happen on the Pajiba Slack on the topic of food. As someone who has a pretty basic palate and is relatively food ignorant (I’m not proud of it or anything, it’s just the way things are at the moment), some of these discussions leave me bemused, often befuddled—all the American madness that’s so often involved probably doesn’t help!—but I don’t think any of them have come quite close to the parade of horrors unleashed on Twitter the other day when Twitter users started pondering the most messed up combinations of food that they secretly enjoy. I’d say that what follows here are some highlights, but, again, I think we’d need a more accurate term. Regardless, enter at your own peril: