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Twitter Users Ponder the Dumbest Tweets They've Ever Seen

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | November 14, 2022 |

By Petr Navovy | Social Media | November 14, 2022 |


There’s something quite deliriously addictive about the vibe on Twitter right now, ever since Elon Musk took over, smearing his very particular brand of idiocy over it in the process. Not the Racism Unleashed flex of it all, obviously—no, more the feeling that you’re watching one man’s capitalistic hubris get torpedoed and his bullsh*t mythical aura of ‘genius’ get punctured in real-time. His diehard weirdo loser fanbase will probably still twist themselves into knots to frame the colossal levels of stupidity we’re seeing as 4D level tactical chess moves beyond our simple understanding, but for everyone else, it’s pretty instructive, and in some ways useful in helping to puncture that capitalist meritocracy nonsense.
It’s also just really funny.

Who knows how long the sinking ship will even stay afloat with that moron at the helm. While it’s here, and in honour of their imbecile captain, Twitter users have been celebrating some of the dumbest moments from the social network platform’s history. It’s been a treat. A dreadful, cringe worthy treat:

The undisputed champion and one i’ll never tire of posting