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Trump Supporters Triggered after NPR Tweets the Declaration of Independence, But This Is Not About That

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | July 5, 2017 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | July 5, 2017 |

Good morning, and to those of you who have been vacationing or spending time away from the Internet these past few days, welcome back. It’s good to have you this morning.

Meanwhile, yesterday NPR tweeted the Declaration of Independence 140 characters at a time, an annual tradition. However, some Trump supporters who didn’t recognize the words to the Declaration of Independence took issue with NPR. It was pretty funny.

Here’s some examples:

OK, a couple of things: There were several round-ups of these tweets around the Internet, and they all used the same five or six tweets, because there were only 5 or 6 to choose from. This wasn’t a widespread reaction. There were hundreds more people laughing and complaining about these five or six Trump supporters.

Tweets from people laughing far outnumbered the pro-Trump tweets. This is sometimes what we do on the Internet — mainstream a few rando Twitter trolls — and it always rubs me the wrong way. Bygones. Truthfully, there might have been more if more Trump supporters actually followed NPR.

But let’s also be honest about something else: Twitter is not always chronological, and if this tweet popped up on your feed without any other context, it might take a minute to figure out what’s going on.

It’s better to stop and figure out the context than to react in a knee-jerk fashion, but knee-jerk reactions is the stuff of Twitter.

Anyway, this post is not about those people. It’s really about one guy, a guy who pops up on every one of these rounds ups. His Twitter name is D.G. Davies:

This tweet is one of the first examples of the “dumb, uneducated Trump supporters” that show up in these round ups. But here’s what these Twitter rounds ups do not include:

Look: There’s a lot of anti-Obama, anti-media rhetoric on this guy’s timeline, and I’m by no means suggesting he is an American hero or anything, but he also did something we don’t see very often on Twitter. He apologized, and he owned his mistake, and he was a good guy about it. In this political climate, that is extraordinary.

And you know what? After he admitted his mistake, most people were remarkably decent about it:

Civility, y’all! I dig it. It’s pretty remarkable how well people can get along even on the Twitter when we don’t dig in our heels, admit when we’re wrong (on both sides), and stop shouting each other down.

Our President could learn something from D.G. Davies.