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Plus-Sized Model Endeavors to Launch an Unretouched Photo Revolution

By Grainger Heavensbee | Social Media | November 19, 2015 |

By Grainger Heavensbee | Social Media | November 19, 2015 |

Twenty-five year-old Iskra Lawrence is a plus-sized model, and often when plus-sized models who look like Lawrence are featured, our comments section takes issue with the categorization. Let’s skip past that and just acknowledge that Lawrence is gorgeous and the modeling industry is f*cked up.

The important thing here is that Lawrence is spearheading an effort to encourage the fashion industry to use unretouched photos to highlight that women are beautiful, flaws and all. Take, for instance, this unretouched ad she shot for American Eagle.

Nothing about that is not insanely hot.

Lawrence has also launched a website, RunwayRiot, and though it is a fashion, style, and beauty site for women of all sizes, Lawrence seems most interested in making the 65 to 70 percent of women who feel “invisible” more comfortable with themselves and their bodies, particularly since less than 20 percent of clothing sales are targeted to women who wear size 14 and larger, as she explains on Good Morning America.

She’s also very popular on Instagram, where she posts unretouched photos of herself eating cake.

I know, I know: You’re still hung up on how she could be classified as plus-sized. As a refresher, here’s a side-by-side comparison a regular-sized person and a supermodel to put things into perspective for you.

via Uproxx