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Joss Whedon Returns to Twitter in a Big Way (And Promises Mark Ruffalo's Penis)

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | September 21, 2016 |

By Dustin Rowles | Social Media | September 21, 2016 |

If you’re wondering what Joss Whedon has been up to since the underwhelming reception of Avengers 2, his sourness with big-budget films, and his decision to leave Twitter, apparently he’s been working on this really great get-out-the-vote video featuring a whole lot of famous people (mostly Avengers) telling you to get off your ass to ensure that Donald Trump doesn’t turn our country into a dumpster fire.

In addition to the witty repertoire, there’s also a promise — against Mark Ruffalo’s wishes — that if Trump doesn’t win in the fall, Mark Ruffalo will appear onscreen nude. The full monty.

Whedon feels this video is so important that he’s even returned to Twitter to release it, and if it works — if it moves the needle just enough — it will completely make up for that terrible Thor cave sequence in Avengers 2.

It’s really nice to have Whedon back, you guys.