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Bryan Fuller And 'Pushing Daisies' Cast Spill Behind-The-Scenes Secrets During Live-Tweet Rewatch

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 30, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 30, 2020 |


The cast and creators of Pushing Daisies reunited over the weekend, while responsibly engaging in social distancing. On Twitter, the charming series’ creator Bryan Fuller teamed up with Lee Pace, Anna Friel, and Kristin Chenoweth, as well as director Barry Sonnenfeld to rewatch and live-tweet the first two episodes.

Fuller and the gang shared pics and memories as well as praise and plenty of behind-the-scenes tidbits about Pushing Daisies. Here are the highlights.

Note: None of the images posted below are NSFW, yet Twitter is censoring some anyway. If you click, you get Fuller’s images from shooting the series, nothing inappropriate.

Pushing Daisies is now streaming on CWSeed.

Header Image Source: ABC