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Twitter Reacts to 'Distance But Make It Fashion' Prompt

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 30, 2020 |

By Kristy Puchko | Social Media | March 30, 2020 |


With so many sheltering in place, there’s a big debate raging internally within millions of Americans: should I put on pants today? If you’re not going to the office, to the club, or to see your friends in person, why bother with all the fuss of make-up and dress-up? Well, because sometimes it helps just to flex and feel pretty.

New Yorker staff writer Rachel Syme gets it, and so has been encouraging others to follow her lead by treating Sunday as an excuse to get fancy while maintaining social distance. Thus the hashtag #distancebutmakeitfashion was born.

Selfies poured in as Twitter users took it to the hallway like it was a runway.

Take it from the aunties of Pushing Daisies, just because you’re a shut-in doesn’t mean you can’t be fabulous.