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You Can Watch The First Ten Minutes Of Tonight's "Revenge" RIGHT NOW!

By Rob Payne | Videos | January 4, 2012 |

By Rob Payne | Videos | January 4, 2012 |

So, you guys like ABC’s “Revenge” starring Madeleine Stowe’s bitchface, right? The story of Emily VanCamp’s former socialite who seeks vengeance against the wealthy assholes who destroyed her family is something I never imagined myself getting into, but the Hamptons setting and constant conniving have lured me in and I can’t stop watching it. I’m not entirely sure I know what’s going on in any given episode, but I know it’s always absurdly awesome.

New episodes begin airing tonight , but you don’t even have to wait that long to watch the first gloriously ridiculous 10 minutes, because ABC has graciously uploaded them onto these here interwebz for our viewing pleasure. Without spoiling anything, those minutes are mostly filled by putting chess pieces into place. But I guarantee that the opening scene will latch onto your brain like the real Amanda Clarke latches onto bad ideas. And if they don’t, then you probably shouldn’t be watching “Revenge” anyway. Enjoy!

(And if, for whatever reason, the video below doesn’t work, take it up with ABC, ya filthy animals.)

Rob Payne also writes the indie comic The Unstoppable Force, tweets on the Twitter @RobOfWar, and his ware can be purchased here (if you’re into that sort of thing). If the video above doesn’t work like it should, he’s pretty sure the entire Internet is out to get him.