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Why on Earth Was Aidy Bryant's Spectacular Spectacular Cut From Last Week's 'SNL'?

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 19, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | November 19, 2014 |

I feel like any time Aidy Bryant isn’t on screen is a moment SNL could be doing better. She can stretch the weakest, thinnest premise into hilarity. For example, this sketch (which didn’t make it into last weekend’s show) about a woman tweeting her 10,000th tweet. Do you think that’s not a funny enough idea to build a musical spectacular spectacular around? Aidy Bryant, Cecily Strong, Taran Killam, Ed Norton, Woody Harrelson, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and President and Michelle Obama might say you’re wrong.

This video is labeled as “cut for time,” as opposed to lack of funny. Because funny it definitely is. I recommend watching the whole thing, just see Bryant dance (and do other stuff) with Edward Norton and Woody Harrelson.

Woody Harrelson seems beyond amused by his God beard, doesn’t he?