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Weird Al's Final Video Has Enough Buzzwords to Drown a Startup

By Vivian Kane | Videos | July 21, 2014 |

By Vivian Kane | Videos | July 21, 2014 |

Weird Al has finished up his week of videos with a parody of Crosby, Stills & Nash’s “Suite: Judy Blue Eyes.” The song, “Mission Statement,” is dedicated to the kinds of nonsensical corporate buzzwords that make you want to trap all of Silicon Valley under a soundproof dome. As Weird Al himself puts it,

I wanted to do a song about all the ridiculous double-speak and meaningless buzzwords that I’ve been hearing in office environments my entire life. I just thought it would be ironic to juxtapose that with the song stylings of CSN, whose music pretty much symbolizes the antithesis of corporate America.

Until tomorrow, the video is only available over on the Wall Street Journal’s site. It’s a cute, simple animation full of synergy and brand trajectory and other meaningless word vomit.